Modern Python API Stack

Welcome to Note API, a simple CRUD project showcasing the development of a web API using a modern tech stack.

Welcome to Note API, a simple CRUD project showcasing the development of a web API using a modern tech stack:

  • FastAPI: A high-performance web framework for building APIs with Python, known for its speed, simplicity, and intuitive design.
  • Docker and Docker Compose: Tools for containerization, enabling seamless deployment and scalability of applications across different environments.
  • PostgreSQL: A powerful open-source relational database management system, chosen here for its reliability, performance, and robust feature set.
  • Pytest: A flexible and easy-to-use testing framework for Python, essential for ensuring the correctness and stability of our application through automated tests.

Local Setup Guide

A Step by Step to reproducing the Modern Python API codebase, but first make sure that you have docker and docker compose set and running.

  1. Clone the repository: git clone

  2. Navigate to the Project Directory: cd morden-python-api

  3. Build and Start Docker Containers: docker-compose up -d --build

  4. Run Tests: docker-compose exec web pytest .

Project link

GitHub link

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